ZVUK Co. was founded in 1993 on base of special department at Abrasives & Grinding Co., majored in developing methods and means of nondestructive test. The department developed devices of type “Zvuk” for acoustic test of physical and mechanical features and “Magnit” for measuring of magnetic impurities content in various materials.
Nowadays the main directions of our company’s activity are:
- production of type “Zvuk” and “Magnit” devices for nondestructive testing;
- development of techniques of nondestructive testing for measurements by different devices, both ours and of other companies;
- sale of the devices and methodical instructions.
Company’s History:
In 1954 it was decided to organize department of nondestructive test in the company. At first it was only control of abrasive materials and tools.
Thanks to many people working there since many years there were achieved good results in the field of acoustic and electromagnetic control. Devices that are based on these methods were developed and implanted to industry and entered to the range of both Russian State Standards and Branch Standards.
Since the beginning of department’s activity there were published more than 120 scientific articles, 3 monographes and received more than 50 author’s certificates and patents in Russia, England, Germany, France, USA and others.
The devices were repeatedly honored silver and bronze awards and diplomas on Russian and International exhibitions. |